What are the Legal Obligations of a Trustee
When parents name their child as a trustee, they’re handing over significant legal duties that many people don’t fully realize. At Clear Counsel Law Group, we regularly meet with children who have recently lost their parents and are now faced with managing the family trust.
The Role of a Trustee in Nevada
Being named as a trustee means stepping into a position of significant responsibility. The trust administration process involves specific legal requirements that must be followed carefully. Many trustees come to us unsure of their next steps, especially since their parents may not have discussed these responsibilities with them beforehand.

Legal Protection for Trustees
As attorneys working with trustees throughout Nevada, our primary goal at Clear Counsel Law Group is to protect you while ensuring the trust’s proper administration. We guide trustees through every step of the distribution process, helping them avoid potential claims of breach of fiduciary duty. When you work with us, you can feel confident that your actions as trustee align with Nevada law and the trust’s specific terms.
Getting Started as a Trustee
If you’ve recently discovered you’re named as a trustee in your parents’ trust, taking early action can help prevent future complications. At Clear Counsel Law Group, we offer complimentary initial consultations to discuss your specific situation. While bringing a copy of the trust document is helpful, we can still provide valuable guidance about trust administration even without it.
Contact Clear Counsel Law Group today to learn about your responsibilities as a trustee and how we can help ensure a smooth trust administration process. Our experienced Nevada trust attorneys are ready to guide you through each step of this important responsibility.