
What Is Power of Attorney?

When you make the decision to start planning your estate, there is much more that will go into this process than just creating a will. People don’t realize all of the many different layers of estate planning. By hiring a quality attorney to handle the process, that lawyer will be able to walk you through the details. However, it certainly helps if you already have an idea of what to expect and what the different aspects will entail.

For example, one thing that you will need to do is assign a power of attorney. However, that will be very hard to do if you don’t know what this person is or what they do. There are actually two different types of power of attorney: financial and healthcare.

Financial power of attorney puts decision making power in someone else’s hands when it comes to your finances.
Healthcare power of attorney or healthcare proxy will allow someone else to make your healthcare decisions for you if you are incapacitated.

In either case, what this person is able to do depends solely on you. You have the right to go through all of the different types of decisions they may need to make and determine if you want to give that power to someone else.

When It Works

For the most part, the power of attorney will start the moment you sign the documents with a lawyer. Usually, they are set up to stop working if you are incapacitated, however. This may defeat the purpose, though, so you will need to discuss this with your attorney and find out how to name someone responsible if you are no longer able to make decisions for yourself.

Choosing Power of Attorney

In most cases, you will want to name someone you know and trust to have power of attorney for you. That often means a loved one. However, that doesn’t have to be the case depending on your own situation. You have the right to choose anyone you like. No matter what, you need to make sure that you trust them. Whether you are naming a financial or healthcare power of attorney, this person will have a great deal of power in your life and you will want to make the right choices.

Once you have decided who you would like to have power of attorney, you will need to talk with them first. This is a big responsibility and you certainly don’t want to just spring it on them. So, discuss this with them and ensure they are open to working in this capacity for you. If they are, then you can have the documents drawn up.

There are many parts to estate planning that you may not fully understand. However, knowing more about them will certainly help before you meet with an attorney. It will ensure you aren’t surprised by anything that comes up. You will need to appoint power of attorney, so this is definitely something you should take the time and better understand before you see your attorney for estate planning.

Potential Problems With Domestic Asset Protection Trusts

Potential Problems With Domestic Asset Protection Trusts

Nevada happens to be one of only a few states in the union that permits the creation of domestic asset protection trusts. While this is an obvious advantage to those who are concerned with estate planning within the state, there are some disadvantages that should be taken into account when setting up such a trust. In order to better educate the public about the potential disadvantages of a domestic asset protection trust, we thought that we’d share a few.

State-by-State Laws

As we’ve already mentioned, domestic asset protection trusts do not exist in every state. Because of this, it’s possible to run into problems when the parties that might be challenging the trust are from different states. In these instances, certain state courts may not be willing to honor the terms of the domestic asset protection trust, which rather obviously negates its purpose. For this reason, any litigation concerning a domestic asset protection trust will begin with an evaluation of which state’s laws should apply to the trust.

The Constitution’s Full Faith and Credit Clause

Even if a ruling is made in the favor of the domestic asset protection trust’s home state, there are more issues. While the “full faith and credit clause” of the constitution may provide protection for the domestic asset protection trust, that’s not a sure bet. In fact, the case law surrounding these kinds of conflicts is scant at best, so it’s impossible to say for certain what the outcome of such a circumstance might be.

Potential Exceptions

The ability of a domestic asset protection trust to protect the assets contained within it is not ironclad. In fact, there are more than a few exceptions that might allow creditors to get at the assets contained within the trust. Most importantly, if a court determines that assets placed into the trust were moved with the intent to avoid paying those creditors, it will be considered ‘fraudulent conveyance’. This means that the creditor will be permitted to take the money they’re seeking from the domestic asset protection trust, which negates the trust’s purpose.

The Federal Government

Even though the state of Nevada provides for these kinds of trusts, that doesn’t mean that they’re not subject to the laws of the federal government. In fact, the laws of the federal government trump those at the state level. For this reason, if litigation surrounding a domestic asset protection trust makes it into the federal court system, the trust could become quite vulnerable.

Even So…
Despite these potential problems with a domestic asset protection trust in Nevada, they still remain a strong way for protecting assets from creditors. If you believe that you’re in a position where this could be a concern, then it simply makes sense to consult with an experienced estate planning lawyer in Nevada, one who can help you craft a domestic asset protection trust that will hold up should the worst come to pass.

Clear Counsel Law group

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1671 W Horizon Ridge Pkwy Suite 200,
Henderson, NV 89012

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